Thursday, August 10, 2006


Yes, I am a slacker. But at least I'm not slacking on training, only on the blog! Tuesday I walked 3+ miles on the treadmill at the apartment complex, and yesterday was a cross-training day so I did 30 minutes on the elliptical. Today is a 5 mile day. Didn't really do anything exercise-related this weekend as we were out of town for a family reunion and it was approximately 130 degrees out. That's the best I can estimate.

This coming weekend we will be out of town again, but the weather should be better. Saturday is 5 miles and Sunday is 6 miles. I'll let you know.

Lots going on in the Life of Ellen lately.

Now, to the Help Wanted: I'm collecting ideas for clever fundraising efforts. Anything you've seen nonprofits, other individuals, or churches do, lay 'em on me! Any crazy ideas from left field that you can think of, let me have 'em! Thank you in advance!

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